The unique healing journey for your mental health: taking the first steps together
The path to healing is unique to each of us, and it may not be straight-forward, but you don’t have to travel it alone
Hello Happiful readers!
When it comes to the spectrum of emotions, it’s the contrast that lets us truly feel alive.
As hard as it can be, pain and hurt are a reflection of how deeply we love. Those moments of frustration and anger signal to us when something is off-balance. And laughter that echoes through our bodies with so much joy that it feels as if our hearts could burst, gives us something to hold on to through testing times.
Being able to live with pain, or move forward from it, is no easy feat though.
There is no universal handbook to healing, or timeline to feel an inner transformation. It’s about finding our own path, even if it takes us a few tries to head down the right one for ourselves.
Issue 62 of Happiful is all about helping you through that healing journey, holding your hand as we take those initial steps forward together – whenever you are ready.
From understanding your love language to help you communicate better on p17, to pressing ‘pause’ on perfectionism on p66, we want this issue to help you tune-in to your needs. Plus, on p24, we’re exploring self-compassion, and how the answers come from within as we journey towards a better relationship with ourselves.
Plus, as always, our print edition includes:
• Print-exclusive journaling pages, with this issue on the theme of tuning-in to your emotions.
• Expert advice and support on a range of topics, including the cost of living, how to ‘feel good enough’, and self-expression.
• Engaging and practical life hacks helping you to savour every moment, approaching flying with mental illness, and sharing how to talk about baby loss, sensitively.
I can’t help but think of an incredibly touching quote by actor Andrew Garfield. When speaking about his mother, who had sadly died, he said: “I hope this grief stays with me because it’s all the unexpressed love that I didn’t get to tell her. And I told her every day. We all told her every day.”
The reality is, there will never be enough time. So don’t waste a moment denying your true feelings, or struggling with how, or if, you should express them.
This is your rallying call to live and love unconditionally, to trust that, eventually, the hurt will heal, and some day it will feel like it all makes sense.
Together, we can find the courage to take that first step forward. Just go at your own pace…
Rebecca Thair
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